VT 27 - UNC 24
Well, that was frustrating. Bunting's job is still not secure...imho. That game was lost on a lot of stupid mistakes. I still maintain that VT is overrated.
At least state lost too...
Well, that was frustrating. Bunting's job is still not secure...imho. That game was lost on a lot of stupid mistakes. I still maintain that VT is overrated.
I'm always the optimist, but here goes:
Please note that I do understand that we were playing a DII school, Winston-Salem State University, but I'm kinda pumped right now, so here goes. Notes from the game tonight:
Well, who know where he wants to go, but we can be sure Spurrier will not be at Florida.
Ok, I am going to try to get it all out today, so I can leave it. I've been saying on my away message that I'm gonna drop politics as of midnight tonight, so here it all is:
I'm going to give George W. Bush a chance to re-earn my trust and respect as a leader. I am by no means offering him a clean slate, and I will not forgive him for the missteps of the past four years, but I am going to give him the opportunity to make right over his second term.The comment button is right below here...leave one.
I don't have much faith that he'll do so, but he's at least getting the chance to.
From here, I see one of two scenarios playing out. Either a) Bush improves and begins to repair the nation's international image, or b) we put up with four more years of the same ineptitude and win in a landslide in 2008. Of course, I realize that reality will probably fall somewhere in between (like, Bush continues his ineptitude but the Democrats fail to sweep in '08), but this at least gives me hope for now, so I'm holding onto it.
So I've always hated on blogs. "Who the hell wants to read your online journal?" I've always said.