Fark.com Duke Sucks Center
The Boston Fleet Center put its name up for Auction on ebay. For one day, the Fleet Center would be renamed whatever you want.
The owner of fark.com won the auction. The name, for one day on 2/28/2005 will be:
The fark.com Duke Sucks Center
I hope this actually happens. I do know that Drew, the owner of fark.com, hates dook. So be sure to check www.fleetcenter.com on 2/28!
Edit (2/15 8:00pm): Mary Joos adds -
Delaware North Companies, owner and operator of Boston's Fleet Center, set up an ebay auction allowing the winner rights to name the Fleet Center for a day (2/28/05). Drew, the owner of Fark.com, is a Duke hater and took the opportunity to bid and won the auction. Get ready for the Fark.com Duke Sucks Center.
When asked why he bid on the auction Drew said
Here's why we did it:
1) it's a charity auction. Fark raises money for charity all year long
2) it's publicity, not just on the arena but in regular media
3) it's funny
4) Duke Sucks