Well, I live at home...
I am not so much a fan of living at home so far.
I really moved in Thursday evening (after being moved out of Caldwell St on Tuesday, and heading to B May's Lake house (which was awesome) for a couple days). Anyway, living at home is...lonely, for lack of a better word.
This is aided, I'm sure, by the fact that my parents went out of town Friday morning, so I am home along. Anyway, I guess the positives so far have been Cleanliness and Food.
Anyone who ever set foot in our place on Caldwell needs no explanation for this one. It is nice not having ants and shit everywhere.
I've actually been eating really good food (and it's free). My Dad's house if pretty stocked. Over the last two mornings, I finally figured out how to make a nasty (good) omelet, that actually folds over and everything, with some good sharp Cheddar and some turkey bacon (all of which is just sitting around the house). Last night Mom and I cooked Thai food (which, I should add, turned out just like I made it in Chapel Hill, and by that, I mean excellently). Tonight I'm making steak. I think Dad must have been convinced to buy by one of those door-to-door steak salesman (like Jimmy did two (or is it three?) summers ago). I threw together a marinade, and went to the store and got a backing potato and some greenbeens (unfortunately another instance where I had to charge $1.57 to my credit card, cause I don't believe in cash anymore). Anyway, hopefully this'll turn out good as well.
I do miss having my friends around the house. Oh well. Better get used to things this way...
Anyway, now the task in front of me is to go through every box I moved home and sort into piles of "need for Europe", "need to live this summer", and "don't need til I move to DC". It's a boring task. Oh well. Back to sorting, so I can get something done before I need to go cook so I can eat while watching the Piston's game.