Tuesday, April 12, 2005

This Computer Has Your Number

Ok, so this website is really impressive.

You think of something. Anything. (Though never a specific person, place or thing). And then you answer questions, and it figures out what you are thinking of.

So far, it has gotten Chicken Soup, Paycheck, Webpage, and Baseball. Jeff did win (get through 30 questions without the computer guessing) with Bourbon, but it did guess Scotch, and almost got close.

Pretty impressive. Ha. I'm a dork, I know. If you test it out, leave what you got in the comments.

Edited to add: Laura just tried it with Penis...That provided a good laugh!

Monday, April 11, 2005

Job Update

Time for one of those rare journalish posts about me.

This morning I officially set up an interview. They are flying me up to DC/Baltimore for a full day of interviews and tests on 4/27. Well, I am nervous already.

I also wish it could have been on a Thursday or Friday, so that I would be able to stay in DC and hang out with Peter some. Oh well.

Oh, I don't remember what I last said about grad schools (other than I don't want to go), but I've been accepted at Alabama and Maryland, and rejected from MIT, Chicago, GT, Michigan, and Texas. Minnesota never got back to me? But it's ok, cause I want a job.

On a lyrical Rampage...

New Strong bad email was pretty funny this morning...If you don't know about homestarrunner.com, you should...It's hilarious...