Saturday, November 13, 2004

"It's over"

"It's over."

While this phrase first and foremost reminds me of Rell, emphatically insisting at halftime of the UNC @ UVa game a few years back, I can think of no better way to describe my mood right now. And since I've promised many of you a sportless entry, here you go. Enjoy (all three of you...)

The GRE subject test is an interesting one. It is tough to know exactly how to feel when you walk out of the exam. The exam is 3 hours long (well, 3 hours of testing, over an hour of instructions, and almost 2 hours of driving). As an American student with no masters degree, finishing in the 50-60th percentile is very good, I've been told (so either boo or thank you to all the Asians out there pumping up the curve...). It is kind of like affirmative action for white guys. And that makes me feel really weird, but that is another subject for another time. So the test was hard. I answered 45 out of 66 questions. I think I got some right? Did I do well? How the hell do I know?

And as all these thoughts are running through my head as I settle into my seat in Greg's car to head back from Greensboro, it hits me: "It's over." Ha. And that is utter joy. I'm home. I've had my nap. Michigan and UNC won today (I can't have a completely sportsless entry). And now, after a solid 2 weeks of very little fun, a second sentiment comes to mind...

Which way to the bar?

Friday, November 12, 2004

UNC 100 - Mt. Olive 69

I'm not going into too much depth, because really, I shouldn't have even gone to the game, and now I need to be studying for the GRE tomorrow. ACK!

Anyway, we started sloppy. Very sloppy. But all it took was at least 20 points in a row at one point to put this game away half way through the first half.

Marvin Williams played great. Had at least 5 dunks. A couple were out on the break, but my favorite was when he crossed up his defender, took it to the hole and jammed it. Jawad had the dunk of the night though, going over their small forward on the break.

Quentin didn't play as well as last game, but you really can't help but love this guy. He plays d hard, he goes after every ball.

Rashad sat out tonight, which also hurt the scoring.

Raymond didn't play much. Neither did Jackie.

Overall, not the most impressive showing, but definitely not bad.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Everyone should watch this...

I am blatantly stealing this from Jeff, but it seems worthy of repost.

I also am not a huge Sarah McLaughlin fan, but the video is very cool

HW Assignment

Compare and contrast the following two articles:

Fuck the South

Presidential Fratting

Please turn in your 300 word essay to the comments section...

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

College Athletes ARE Paid

(This is in response to Rell's thoughts...)

College athletes are paid. Out of state tuition alone is $8774.26 per semester. After fees, housing, meals, and books, that's pushing $30,000 a year. Yes they have to put in the hours, but they get an education in return. I work 40 hours a week, and I won't make $30,000 this year. I'll be lucky to make half of that. This is all not to mention the other opportunities (both for money and experience) that student athletes are given.

Second, an education is the most valuable opportunity you can give a person between the ages of 18 and 22. As the NCAA ads say, most college athletes will be going pro in something other than the sport they play. That education is the setting stone to success for the rest of their lives, should the athlete choose to make the most of that opportunity.

Finally, for the athletes that will go into playing their sport professionally, college athletics provides a stage to develop and to gain stature. Their game is more developed and the potential is more realized due to their time at the college level.

College athletics do benefit a lot from the college athletes. But the athletes benefit from the universities as well.

And another...

True...Rell joins the game (and thinks Braylon should win the Heisman).

me: am i the random white guy, or another white guy?
Rell: you're the random white guy

They call me a great motivator :)

Well, I've been officially given credit for Peele's Blog.

Everyone should start one, so I have something to do when I'm bored at work.

Where there's smoke...

Maurice Clarett came out today talking about all the stuff he was given because he was a football player at osu. He also alludes that NFL GMs must know that all college football players get money.

Maybe my Michigan bias is just showing through...


Monday, November 08, 2004

Big Ten Finish - predictions

Well, someone asked if I had any thoughts about any other conferences, which made me curious to look into the Big Ten. Here's how I see it playing out.


Big TenOverall


Big Ten

Wisc@MSU, @IowaW,L7-110-1
MichiganNW, @osuW,W8-010-1
Iowa@Minn, WiscL,W6-28-3
NW@Mich, Ill, @HawaiiL,W,W5-37-5
osu@Minn, MichL,L3-56-5
MSUWisc, @PSU, @HawaiiL,W,W4-46-6
Purdueosu, IndianaW,W4-47-4
IndianaPSU, @PurdueW,L2-64-7
PSU@Indiana, MSUL,L0-82-9

According to my predictions, the final standings will be:
1. Michigan
2. Wisconsin
3. Iowa
4. Northwestern
5. Michigan State, Minnesota, Purdue (and goodluck with that tie breaker)
8. ohio state
9. Indiana
10. Illinois
11. Penn State

~ It seems odd that Michigan should ever look at their last two games and worry more about the Northwestern game. Then again, we have beaten osu during our offseasons, so who knows what'll happen.
~ The Wisconsin @ Iowa game should be huge. Wisconsin should be playing to go undefeated in the regular season, and to have a claim to be in the national championship game. Should they win, Michigan could get left out of the BCS, even with a record of 10-1, 8-0 in the Big Ten. If so, the only positive I can bring from that is that the BCS will have mess up again. Bring on a playoff!
~ If Michigan State, Minnesota, and Purdue all tie for 5th, goodluck figuring out that tie break. MSU beat Minn. Minn lost to MSU. Purdue didn't play either of them. So I guess it would go Purdue, MSU, Minn? Or by overall record, it would be Purdue, Minn, MSU? Who knows. (Or who cares...)

Sunday, November 07, 2004

ACC Finish - predictions

ACC Football:


NC State3-44-5



UvaMiami, @GT, @VTW,W,W7-110-1
VTMaryland, Uva, @MiamiW,L,L5-38-4
FSU@NCSU, FloridaW,W6-29-2
Miami@Uva, Wake, VTL,W,W5-38-3
GTUconn, Uva, @UgaW,L,L4-46-5
Clemson@dook, USCW,L5-36-5
UNC@dook, @wakeW,W5-36-5
NC StateFSU, ECUL,W3-55-6
Mary@VT, WakeL,W3-55-6
WakeUNC, @Miami, @MarylandL,L,L1-74-7
dookClemson, UNCL,L0-81-10

~ The easiest final schedule belongs to UNC, with dook and Wake.
~ The most difficult remaining schedle belongs to VT, having both UVA and @Miami, as well as Maryland

According to my predictions, the final standings will be:
1. UVA
2. FSU
3. VT, Miami, UNC, Clemson
7. GT
8. NCSU, Maryland
10. Wake
11. dook

GRE/Grad School

I knew that I wanted to do well on the subject GRE last summer. Unfortunately, I didn't put that plan into motion until last week, and, on a more seriously level, this weekend. So I spent all of Thursday night, Friday night (minus the basketball game), Saturday (minus the football game and a break for dinner and Mean Girls, which is an awesome movie, you should see it), and today (with a 2 hour break for the buffalo ranch chicken sandwich at BDubs, which is incredible!) studying. I'm a bit worn out. But, it'll all be over in 6 days. I do with I didn't have the math121 midterm the day before the GRE. Sigh.

In other news, I think I've finally decided where I am going to apply:
Georgia Tech
9 schools is a lot, but I can't cut it anymore, and my profs are telling me 8ish, so 9 is 8ish.