Thursday, December 08, 2005

CBS to offer March Madness online for free

This is great news. Such great news. CBS is my new favorite station for doing this ad free. Very solid.

Now only if I got internet at work...Looks like I'm still gonna have to use my vacation on the first Thursday/Friday of the tournament...

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Congress and the BCS

Congress to look into 'deeply flawed' BCS system
"Calling the Bowl Championship Series "deeply flawed," the chairman of a congressional committee has called a hearing on the controversial system used to determine college football's national champion."
Excuse me? Congress is going to spend their time to do what? Figure out what? Who should be COLLEGE FOOTBALL'S NATIONAL CHAMPION?! Are you f-ing kidding me?

Let's step back and take a more composed approach to this. First, the BCS is terrible. Auburn was ripped off last year. Every year they adjust their system reactively, changing things so that the new system would have worked the year before, rather than working to improve the system in the long term. This year, things worked out. But so would have pretty much any system, as the top two teams were obvious. But this isn't about the BCS.

Second, there is a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee charged with regulating America's sports industry. Why? Well, it's a billion dollar industry. Therefore, it should be regulated, right?

Still, with all the important things that congress could be looking at right now (social security, nationalized health care, Iraq, and a hundred other things I know nothing about, but that Peter could probably tell you about). It seems that college football should be my focus(, not theirs.